The Triumph Sports Car Club of South Africa was formed in 1978 as a non-profit organisation by a number of enthusiasts, for the purpose of enjoying the sharing of knowledge regarding the preservation and use of Triumph cars and sourcing parts. In 1981, after British Leyland vanished from the landscape, the need for preserving the marque became paramount. Expertise built up by combining knowledge and experience of members is immense leading to the condition of cars improving year by year with many hours spent spitting and polishing to make vehicles pleasing to the eye.

We believe that local activities, such as technical workshops or rallies, provide the binding glue for this National South African organisation which now has centres situated in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Durban, Bloemfontein, East London, Port Elizabeth, and Cape Town, whose enthusiastic members congregate for a biennial National Gathering organised by the host centre.

The Club maintains contact with overseas clubs, e.g. TR Register, The Triumph Sports Six Club and the Stag Club.

Since the Triumph Club’s establishment, this group has stayed true to their passion and love for Triumph cars. This passion is highlighted through the pride of the owners towards their cars and the loyalty to the club itself. The numerous outings and events organised by the various centres are well attended, as these give members an opportunity of displaying with pride, fine examples of cars of yesteryear. Some of the members’ cars in the region are 98% original.

The Johannesburg Centre meets on the third Saturday of each month, normally 13:00. See Membership for directions and map. Ideas are shared over a cordial “Noggin and Natter”. Interesting presentations are also given, as are inter-club quizzes, darts competitions and door prizes.

Monthly runs on the last Sunday of the month are arranged to promote interaction between members and to encourage use of their cars. These range from social gatherings in the country to low-key competitive motoring events.

Long weekends out of town are another popular form of enjoying the cars and building solid friendships. Strong relationships with our colleagues from the Pretoria Centre result in a broader field of venues to visit.

To ensure high levels of originality of the marque, the two centres organise a local concours event between the years of the Nationals event. A monthly newsletter is posted or emailed to members each month.

The club also maintains a comprehensive website to provide information about the club, its activities and links to many other classic motoring events that our area has to offer.

A strong spares infrastructure ensures that members are able to restore and/or maintain their cars to very high standards.  Regular bulk orders for spares are placed with overseas suppliers.

The club offers a very competitive comprehensive insurance scheme for Triumphs, which are not used for commuting purposes.  Amongst the members, valuable technical knowledge regarding the cars is shared and this is regularly divulged through the Club’s national quarterly magazine “SABRINA”.
The Triumph Sports Car Club, Johannesburg Branch, is a member of South African Motor Club Association (SAMCA)
Triumph Sports Car Club of South Africa, Johannesburg.


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